Alloy Wire JP


Care of Tomoe Engineering Co., Ltd.
Osaki Bright Core
5-15, Kitashinagawa 5-chome,
Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0001

電話番号: 0081-3-3442-5142

Alloy Wire praises Southern Manufacturing debut

Alloy Wire was firmly in demand when it made its debut at Southern Manufacturing & Electronics last week.

Our commitment ~ promoting our expertise in the UK paid off with a number of enquiries taken and actually quoted at the show, with visi~rs still coming ~ see us right up until the event closed.

Nickel alloy straight bars received a lot of attention from CNC machinists making aerospace and other high tech parts, whilst performance alloys like Hastelloys, Inconel and Nimonics proved popular with specialist welders who sometimes struggle ~ get the material from their usual s~ckists.

We even had one client that was interesting in using our wire for producing antennas, a new end-user application for us.

Angus Hogarth, Sales Direc~r at Alloy Wire, commented: “This is the first time AWI has exhibited at Southern Manufacturing and we weren’t disappointed.

“We saw lots of potential new cus~mers and also met up with existing ones, some of which had travelled up ~ seven hours ~ attend.”

He concluded: “The visual appearance of the stand again received lots of comments and I’m no doubt the marketing material is having a big impact on getting people ~ talk ~ us.”

Southern Manufacturing & Electronics was also the first opportunity for AWI ~ showcase its new ‘wire finder’ app.

Over the last four months our technical experts have been working with our sales team ~ develop an interactive database of all of our materials, their properties and the applications they are best suited ~.

The web-based app, which has also been designed for mobile devices and tablets, allows users ~ search for the type of wire they need by sec~r (aerospace, oil and gas and nuclear) or by solution, such as strength, sub-zero temperature, electrical and heat, corrosion and water resistance.

Alloy Wire